Sunday, October 25, 2009

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Today we went to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - I think its one of the few things that I haven't done yet in SB. I'd heard it was very cute, and it was - looks like nothing has changed since about 1950.

The displays of animals were really quite amazing though, even under a layer of dust. With different sections on insects, marine life, mammals, and birds, it was really a very thorough example of wildlife native to Santa Barbara, California, and America.

The Bald Eagle. This is one nasty looking bird. Built to pray on those small than them. A strange animal to pick for your national symbol i would think. I much prefer the Emu and Kangaroo, Advance Australia Fair.

Speaking of nasty looking birds - this is the Californian Condor, which we think we spotted at the Grand Canyon. With a wing span of up to 3m - its also one HUGE bird. A HUGE UGLY bird! Freaked me out a bit actually.

There was also a dispay for ''El Día de los Muertos'' (Day of the Dead or All Souls' Day) - a Mexican celebration. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. Its really very vibrant and a true celebration - its not morbid and sad at all like the Catholic version, All Souls' Day.

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