Sunday, September 6, 2009

I packed, I went, I conquered

Once again, I head off to Santa Barbara, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave? Its called this because before you can be free, you must be brave enough to pack.

First of all I had to gather all things which I wanted to pack. Good. Easy. Next.

Next task was to run around like crazy and gather all the things I'd forgotten about, desperately needed to take and simply couldn't live without for 3 months. Oh dear. This sitatuation was getting worse by the minute.

Then comes the hardest task of all. The culling. And really - I mean removing 2 of everything, then removing 2 more. Its less painful to do it that way - it doesn't feel like I'm getting rid of so much all at once. What probably makes this even worse was that I did "pre-culling" by taking 4 bags of stuff to an op-shop!!!! Yes, I am consumer-whore-hear-me-roar.

But you know what - I did it. 2 medium sized suitcases. 17, and 15kgs each. Awe-some. Leaving enough room to bring stuff home in.

...Well so long as I leave half of it here, and Murray packs lightly, there will be enough room to take my shopping home in.
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