Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Its been a while....

Okay everyone - I realise its been a while since I showed my blog any love. So I thought I'd better update you on a few things.

I started writing about our wonderful trip up to the Blue Mountains for our FIVE year anniversary. FIVE YEARS. Yes. You read right. And no, no ring, no babies. But that was such a perfect time away - it was so close to Sydney, yet we felt a million miles away and very refreshed.

Other than the Tea shop and dinner at Silks, we also went to the Janolen Caves. I love caves. They're amazing. Just so spectacular. We also went to Bathurst to do laps around Mt Panorama. That was less amazing, and less spectacular. Especially the part where I had to stand on the side of the road at the top of the mountain and take photos of Murray coming down. Did i mention it was raining with thunder and lightening while I was out there? He enjoyed it though.

What else has happened...

Clare and Ads were up in Sydney the weekend afterwards so we caught up with them for a drink. It was great to see them as always. We sat inside a bar called.... I can't remember... something to do with a basketballers name.... Kobe something. And watched a spectacular thunderstorm over Darling Harbour that night. It was such a wet night, but so mild and warm.

There have been a couple of birthdays since my last post too!

So big HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to two of my favorite girls - Emma and Laura!

Had a great night polishing off a few Vinos and some fine food with Emma. A very respectable night. I managed to balance that out nicely by smashing back far to many cocktails with Laura and walking home at 10.30 in the morning through Canberra!

Oh yes - I made a trip down to Canberra to see Laura for her birthday. I also got to catch up with Petal while I was there. Always great to see her - she's one of those people where it always just feels like I saw her yesterday. Picked up a lovely box of Cherries on my way out of Canberra too - 2kg for $24. Very impressed.

There's just one more peice of news.... that needs a post of its own though.

1 comment:

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