Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Did I do the right thing?

I just had a lovely long chat with a girlfriend from high school. I always enjoy catching up with her, and it always makes me kick myself for not having caught up more often while I had the chance. I feel like I nearly lost touch with everyone after high school because I moved away. But I've felt more recently our friendships have been stronger. And now, here I am, moving away again.

It was great to hear from her, but it makes me miss my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Shez,

As a serial 'leave Melbourner' I can tell you (after doing it three times already).....

"Change is never loss, it is change only"

You did the right thing. And expect to feel wierd- long after you'd want to be over it. You've made a step forwards- not backwards.

Proud of you...


Jess in Thailand
(at least your still in the country!!!!!)