Monday, September 28, 2009

San Simeon

San Simeon Wharf was originally built so that the Hearst Family could ship in items for thier maganificent castle. Today it looked awesome with the fog hanging around just off shore.

We then headed up the coast a little more to check out some of the crazy sealions that were all beached. These were all young males - I can't imagine the site when they're all beached. And quite frankly, they make me feel a little sick, so I'd rather not see them.

On the way home we stopped at this awesome steakhouse. I think Murray's "Frankenstien having a stroke" photos says it all.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hearst Castle - The second time around

Last year I was lukcy enough to visit Hearst Castle - and almost a full year later, I'm lucky enough to be back here again.

Check out last years visit here -

Last year I took "Tour 1" which is an overview of the main Castle. This year I went on Tour Two, which gives visitors a closer look at the main house's upper floors, Mr. Hearst's private suite, the libraries, and the kitchen.

Driving up the mountain to Hearst Castle - about 5 miles from the Visitor Center to the Castle. There was also some crazy fog hanging right on the shoreline. On the way you pass areas where William Randolph Hearst keep animals that were part of his private zoo collection. Only 4 types of animals from the original herds are left - including Zebras!

Last year with Mum - this year with Murray. The Neptune Pool at Hearst Castle was rebuilt three times to suit its owner's tastes. Its centerpiece is the façade of an ancient Roman temple that William Randolph Hearst had purchased and imported to California.

Right at the top of each of the towers there are actual bedrooms. Later in the tour we'll actually get to visit this room.

The Antique ceilings were amazing. Many of them are acutal antiques, changed only to fit the rooms in Hearst Castle.

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The Library - where guests were invited to read many rare and vaulable books but tey were to remain in the Library. There were some fun stories about guests moving the furniture and using the room for cartwheels and other shinanigans. Which is amazing when you consider the priceless furniture and huge book collection.

His office - few of his guests ever went in here. People who came in here usually referred to him as "The Cheif".

Probably my favorite room. Atop one of the castle towers are the hexagonal Celestial Suites. It is said that when the shutters are open and the fog has rolled in it feels like you're leeping on clouds. When the shutters are closed it feels like you're in a jewellery box.

In the kitchen - these are so cute - I want some in my kitchen... in my castle on the hill. Guests were invited to use the kitchen whenever they wanted.

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The drawing room of genius architect Julia Morgan.

The Roman Pool at Hearst castle is a tiled indoor pool decorated with eight statues of Roman gods, goddesses and heroes.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Solvang - The "Danish Dinsneyland"

I dont know about it being the "Danish Disneyland"... because Solvang was nowhere near as fun as Disney... or maybe not. But it was... kitch. It was also about a thousand degrees (ok... about 40) and I was very hungover after Grand Final Day... so that generally made the whole day a struggle.

Founded by Danish immigrants in 1911, Solvang boasts authentic architecture, thatched roofs, old-world craftsmanship and traditional windmills. Over 1 million visitors come each year to experience the northern European culture, cuisine and unique boutique shopping.

We also visited the Mission Santa Inés - we haven't yet visited the Santa Barbara Mission, so we decided not to do a tour. But there was a great display of the Stations of the Cross.

Views over the wine country of Solvang and area from the Mission. (Don't even talk about wine to me today - I'm never drinking again).

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Nojoqui "Water" Falls

Using his best research skills, Murray found out about Najoqui Waterfalls - the only water falls in Santa Barbara County. So on our way to Solvang, we thought it would be nice to visit them.

Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my!

So we're walking along this dry dusty creek bed when it occurs to us... huh... its the end of summer. California is in drout. And there is no water in this creek bed which we assume comes from the waterfalls. Changes of water actually falling... slim to none.

But I'm glad that we went up there, because it was still a very pretty site.

See the water? Those little droplets? Thats the "waterfall".

Mental Note: Return to Nojoqui after actual rain.
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Grand Final Day USA

I thought we might end up watching the Grand Final at some hidious hour - but as it turned out, it was due to start at 9.30pm Californian time. So Murray and I kicked off the night with a visit to my favourite wine bar one the wharf. Found one unwooded Chardy that was great - i'll have to go back there and take note of what it is.

Then we thought it wise to fill our tummies with some food before what was sure to be a huge night. We went to Moby Dicks for dinner where i couldn't resist the call of a giant bacon cheeseburger... mmm... burger.

Then off to the local sports bar Madisons for the game. There was 6 in our group, plus a few other aussies, and a lot of confused Americans watching hte game. I knew it was going to be a big night when the barman started us all off with a shot of something pink... That was followed by giant beers!

Many many many giant beers.

Was good to see the Cats win another flag - was a great game and a great night.
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Monday, September 21, 2009

What a bunch of characters

We're basically famous - so many characters wanted to have thier photo taken with us!

Minnie and Micky on holidays (you can tell by thier cool casual get up)

Goofy with some dog character

Its Woody Murray! Woody!

Cruella De Vil

Cruella De Vil

If she doesn't scare you

No evil thing will

Lilo? Stitch? We dont know.

And Pluto!


Murray at the "Golden Gate Bridge" just inside the entrance to the park. One day we'll have to go and see the real thing (and Murray can have all the SF Clam Chowder he wants).

These green toy soldiers were great - like the Blue Man Group, but Green!

Catch of the day?